Snaps Shadows Lineup

Snaps Shadows Lineup

7:00 Reese Darko show open/welcome
7:15 Gabriel Castillo speaks (@castillocomedy)
7:25 *5min break*
7:30 Brianna sacrificial performance
7:40 Paul Carlon (@paul.carlon)
7:50 *10min break*
8:00 Kentrello (@hellokentrello)
8:10 Chimmie (@chimmie)
8:20 *10min break*
8:30 Agez (@ageoflv)
8:40 OM Bowl
9:00 *10min break*
9:10 OM Bowl
9:50 Raffle Winners
10:00 OM Bowl
10:20 Closing thoughts/group meditation

Live Painter
Brooke Carter (@bpcproductions)

Charismatic (@charismaticdion)


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