Mom, Dad, teacher, friend,
Life coach, therapist, love guru,
Seriously, the list does not end…
My Mom always was, is, and will be, EVERYTHING
Equal parts enamoring and terrifying
I remember as a child
Forever pining for her tickles before bed
However panicked every evening
Hearing her heavy steps
Clamoring as she climbed our iron staircase after a ten-hour shift
Little hands desperately fanning the tv to remove traces of our lazy mischief
Spoiler alert, she always found out anyway
Apparently in addition to being everything, she really knew everything too
Momma Dukes is one of the sweetest, most compassionate, and deepest people
Kind, articulate, and true
She has also been known to be a little bit of a scrappy chick with an incredibly short fuse
Oh, how the feet never stray too far from the shoes
Such big ones to fill…
My mom did her best to raise me in a way
I could learn self-respect, love and faith
I can honestly say, to this day, she raises me still
Raises my spirits, hopes
Raises my awareness of who I can and want to be
Raises bar of my ambitions
Raising her voice even louder to praise every little victory
With my Mom in my corner
I can face anything
This is a THANK YOU to my mom for all she has given me,
Everything she has taught me
For every pen she has put in my hand, for every sheet of looseleaf
For showing me how to turn life into poetry
For praying for our family,
Teaching to keep God in my heart, scripture on my lips
For lifting us in all our darkest moments
For showing us to not take anyone’s shit
And revealing every little gift this life has to offer
For being a woman I not only emulate, but honor
All her love
All her stories
All our incredible memories,
And all the more to come with time…
Bottom line
My mom would definitely beat your mom in a fight
But she is wise enough to not have to
To my Mom, Dad, teacher, friend,
Life coach, therapist, love guru….
I love you
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