
Showing posts from 2021

Rare Form

I feel like shit Not sick Like a piece of shit Excrement Fluent From these lips Like I just can’t help it Resident to this foul mouth I should reside on someone’s couch Instead So they can shrink me down Into scrips and tips Lessons to improve within The confines of my head Then I can stop feeding Into every little stint of seething anger when I’m heated  Screaming leaving my kettle on the burner Til I’m overflowing lava Spouting tea at your face and sternum  I’m seated Steaming now In my self-made hell Straddled between needing you And needing some time to myself I just wanna be healthy Wanna stop being petty I just wanna be happy Instead of finding faults in every nook and cranny Like I’m so damn perfect Such a prize to be won Untouchable by neither the Moon nor Sun I’m fucking crippled by my own self destruction I know it’s no excuse Subconsciously sabotage might just be what I’m used to Or what I’ve known Instead of claiming these issues as my own  Instead of crying a...


Some mornings I wake with a heavy head Several knots up in my chest Realizations I may have caused this mess And I just can’t catch my breath  I remind myself I Am Blessed Some days are easier than others This one, yeah, this one was hard In the throes of an aching heart Like one more jab just may tear a bitch apart I remind myself I Am Blessed They say sticks and stones can hurt you Still it’s been shown, The most damaging words can be your own When you feel fallen off your throne Scared of silent moments whenever you’re alone Remind yourself I Am Blessed I know you feel blessed on payday But did you know, You are even moreso when you feel broke When you feel tested, bested, and beaten When you’ve damn near lost all hope Man that’s when you’ve been blessed the most God never said this would be easy In fact, right there in scripture it is written The greatest gifts are often hidden Blessings can come in the hardest of lessons When you’re at your lowest Know that is when the Lord is...

You are

You are The smell of americano with a dollop of cream After a night of no sleep And ten hours of captivating conversation Tongues twisting Eloquent entendres  Tiptoeing around true intentions Like the Russian ballet Apple bitten For a taste  Of the forbidden Fighting midnight cravings To feel your arms around my waist Smitten in your branches, Planted in the depths of your embrace This forest feels like home Funny how love tends to blossom When we finally feel peace in time spent alone I had stopped to smell the flowers Growing from gravel paths Beholding beauty in dandelion’s mane Flourishing amidst patches of untrimmed grass They never wanted her But watch how she grows Wildly blessing wishes Whenever the wind blows Unexpectedly You were brought to me A feather in the breeze Once soaring on the back of nature’s melodies Before unwillingly released Ruffled and tossed Feeling lost Amongst fallen leaves Fluttering For a taste for ink  And whispers of poetic prophesies To m...

What that mouth do?

 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝒅𝒐? 👅 Cunning linguistics  Stimulate senses Shedding pretenses Of towns too cool For the extraordinary  Fornicating phrases  Forcing faces To fall to linoleum floors With loose mandibles  Like, did she just say that? Yes, I did  And I’ll do it again Because battling Conditioned minds Has become something of a pastime Instead  Of conforming to callus heads More concerned with hashtag trends And Saturday mimosas with fake friends  What this mouth do? Lemme show you How to swallow ego And tongue at truths We try to hide Behind the bittersweetness Of finger licking lies What this mouth do? More than what you want it to Truth is, Even on the Lightest of days The flow remains heavy With steady lessons  Ready to grace Open pupils With starry gazes What this mouth do? Lemme tell you 


Part I  I've earned every stripe Of these rainbow fibers Woven refracture Into crystalline skin Used to stripe myself Someone With nowhere to belong Felt like I never did Poor kid Dumped by Daddy Just as soon As he dumped his seed into The bastard stew Of my mother's womb Familiarized with feeling Displacement Before I ever even knew The difference Between being queer And just being a bit odd Following  A Furious God Well-versed in Merciless fire lost, profaned I grew accustomed to His Flames Blood became An acquired taste From biting my tongue Even laughed at the expense Of one of my friends, Ashamed to say I lacked the courage To come to her defense When they said, "She is such a dyke, Like, it is so obvious" Fear twinges in lightning strikes Would they suspect me next? At fifteen, Had my first lick of freedom Between my best friend's legs The kind of sweet nectar You never forget Softness that feels like sin Scent of cinnamon Exotic flora Unfolding from waves L...

Big Dreams (Nipsey Hussle Type Beat)

Could you see me staying by your side? Not tryna die, but I'd be down to ride You don't want that girl next door Cause that bitch don't know how to fight Revolutionary These times are scary Aways put on for my Tribe Don't really have a type Long as the mood is right And the Moon is high I'm like Swipe right For some deep conversation Left swipe I spy Every guy's Manipulation Detach Attract Looking for a Titan To attack Have my back Hang onto every sentence Understand I can go off without resistance Addict to my rhyme and meter No other bitch could speak in all heat seekers From my curls down to my green suede sneakers I'm a goddess and a keeper I'm a bruja, call me 'Brina These type of bitches wanna be her Whole coven on the cover of the Weekly Each one a hitter, ain't got no weak link That's why our glasses stay on clink clink Queen of Cups, now that's what's up What the fuck you think? *Hook* V2 Full Moon got my bitches on howl Grip...

Tell me

Tell Me Does it hurt now For you to see me shine In the same light To which you turned your blind eye? I hope you don’t mind Spilling the beans in retrospect To your disrespect I once forced myself to accept A dialect of resentment I’ll never forget It used to leave me triggered Flinch whenever someone pointed a finger At me in the form of “I love you” Wounds turned into scars Which turned into armor Hardened around my heart Finally cracked open and shed the skin Of my former pain Two dewy painted wings emerged Like stunning glass stained In the very blood drawn from those muddled reflections  Back then You were so comfortable in your projections  As I received them Willingly without grounded stance, nor protection I believed the words you said Claimed them as my own self definition Now I am proud to say I’ve outgrown this limited diction Friction truly proven menial to my flames Repeat the same phrases, No longer received the same I cannot recognize your abuse when addressed ...


Carries worlds upon his shoulders In complete silence Never winces From pain he’s harbored Since boyhood Carved from salt and wormwood Always so strong All ways accepting Defensive or protecting? Never allowed to be wrong Lest he is judged as forlorn Man Two eyes blinded in pride Never seen with tears fallen They have seen too much To let fear follow him into night, Shaded in shame whenever his heart is touched In any way that does not render him Masculine Finds himself masked within At times hiding from his own reflection Man You are your Father’s son And His alone Never lonely in your path to One Whole on your own Wounded though Never broken Finding peace within the blackness of blues Thoughts unspoken Solely read within His Word Vibrance in the way you dance to mystic tunes Guidance to those flocking to the shepherd Man May you find solace here Lay your soul to rest here in me Allow the tears to flow flawlessly Shamelessly Woman would not be Without -Man inside her Creator of Man Co...

Love Me Long Time

Stop Asian hate But they don't really hate me, right? People love me, love me long time Love how cute I am when I dress up quirky, sexy Cosplay kitten Got them smitten to come and kiss me Lightly spank me in a pressed and pleated fantasy "Accidentally" Grope my tits With greasy little fingertips that slip He laughs and says "Oops, don't tell my wife about this" Suddenly I'm the keeper of his sleazy secrets His favorite pornhub tab with most frequent visits Sure, I dressed up this way on purpose Rolled my uniform up knowing somebody might notice There's this thing called fan service So I guess they can't help it Because they're fans Of a cute ass when they see it, squeeze it Like it was meant for them Adults who swim Try to come for a dip often Supposedly, They just want to make me feel special Make heaven of such an angel Make me forget the struggle To be seen as anything other than a pretty play thing Pretend they idolize me as they fetishiz...


I'd like to introduce you to bae Not like Manila Bay, Or bay leaves, Or a weird way of saying "bye," B.A.E. Before Anyone Else Bae is so "babe" we lost the second "b" Just to be that much closer Bae, It doesn't have to make sense, okay? Just gotta feel right And you're probably wondering When this is going to start sounding More like a poem... Truth is this is more love letter Than prose No, This is the button to my bones Shaking every hollow space Between my heart and rib cage I am stone cold Faded Wading in emotions so deep I used to drown in them daily You see These currents have carried me To shores I never would have seen Had I not crashed into them completely Bae, Promises to carry me Across every threshold into forever Because I am worth an eternity Bae loved me Before Anyone Else Buried And Emptied me Before Bottles And Escapes Tempted the fate of our love Bae is not a person -Rather a state of mind An amount of time Dedicated to redisc...

Time's Table

Such a shame He could only see you for your pain But you found a way To see beauty in these emotional blemishes Instead of blaming scars For his lack of acceptance Your lack of patience Womxn, You are lovely and loveable In all your imperfections Your heart emanates brilliance Most others will have to live their lives without Let them miss you, And miss you with their bullshit too Let them wake and smell the reality of your absence The coldness of their bed Stewing in the space they asked for The emptiness of messages re-read Drafts left unsent Real conversations left unspoken On hungry tables Quality time in short supply Distant thoughts multiplied Whenever we are divided for too long

A Sweet Homage to Morning Head

I love it when You wake me up to a feast You feasting on my flesh Ripened dripping wet with every bite Go on; have a slice Cut me open; come inside I love it when we have nothing to hide When I can see the nakedness in your eyes You let me see you in all your delicious... Honestly, vulnerability is my preferred aphrodisiac And our cravings have me raving about our next meal together It's better with the Sun turned on Peeking through my window at dawn Like a curious neighbor A mischievous voyeur Tantalized in morning dew Wondering if she can come through for breakfast too.. I need a fast break sprinting into today With both feet in the air How you use my legs to steer Like you've got somewhere you gotta be Between me, and my sheets You drive me absolutely crazy When you look up at me like that Face deep stare Watching me squirm and squirt all down your beard Like you wanna savor me for later You're my favorite flavor of insatiable The way we entangle When you hold me Fall as...