
I'd like to introduce you to bae
Not like
Manila Bay,
Or bay leaves,
Or a weird way of saying "bye,"
Before Anyone Else
Bae is so "babe" we lost the second "b"
Just to be that much closer

It doesn't have to make sense, okay?
Just gotta feel right

And you're probably wondering
When this is going to start sounding
More like a poem...

Truth is
this is more love letter
Than prose
This is the button to my bones
Shaking every hollow space
Between my heart and rib cage
I am stone cold
Wading in emotions so deep
I used to drown in them daily
You see
These currents have carried me
To shores I never would have seen
Had I not crashed into them completely

Promises to carry me
Across every threshold into forever
Because I am worth an eternity

Bae loved me
Before Anyone Else
Buried And Emptied me
Before Bottles And Escapes
Tempted the fate of our love

Bae is not a person
-Rather a state of mind
An amount of time
Dedicated to rediscovering why
I deserve to be loved
You may call it selfish,
Sometimes a little selfishness can be
The most selfless thing
You could offer

The world doesn't need your apology for existence
The world needs you to realize what your gift is
This life is starving for your profoundly authentic contribution
The missing ingredient could be the easiest solution
If you could just believe
That you are capable of achieving your dreams
Remind yourself every morning
You came into this world alone, and it's how you'll leave
And that's okay
Just make sure by the end of the day
No one's got you like


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