Part I 
I've earned every stripe
Of these rainbow fibers
Woven refracture
Into crystalline skin

Used to stripe myself
With nowhere to belong
Felt like I never did

Poor kid
Dumped by Daddy
Just as soon
As he dumped his seed into
The bastard stew
Of my mother's womb
Familiarized with feeling
Before I ever even knew
The difference
Between being queer
And just being a bit odd

A Furious God
Well-versed in
Merciless fire
lost, profaned
I grew accustomed to His

Blood became
An acquired taste
From biting my tongue
Even laughed at the expense
Of one of my friends,
Ashamed to say
I lacked the courage
To come to her defense
When they said,
"She is such a dyke,
Like, it is so obvious"
Fear twinges in lightning strikes
Would they suspect me next?

At fifteen,
Had my first lick of freedom
Between my best friend's legs
The kind of sweet nectar
You never forget

Softness that feels like sin
Scent of cinnamon
Exotic flora
Unfolding from waves
Long brown hair
Cascading across
My pillowcase
Tangled between eager fingertips
Hesitant to explore
The trenches of
Honey milk
Moistened lips
Quivering with every exhale

Tall tales.
Suddenly it’s simply
With the token Asian;
Collectible notches,
Fashionable belt

I never felt
So empty
Thanks, Katy Perry
For making gayness
Fetishism of lesbianism
As if obviously
We girls just like to kiss
To entertain fantasies

Part II
Lemme tell you what queerness look like
With the closet door ajar
Came out a couple times,
still never strayed too far
There is a strange sense of comfort I guess 
In the presumed facade of straightness
Because most people bend a little bit
Without knowing what to call it
-and it's only gay if you say it is
Otherwise it's just a kink,
You think,
The closet isn't so bad,
Still curious to take a peek
From time to time
Breath of fresh air
Comes with new toys
And memories shared
With friends we call friends
Who are more for a night
Single-serving doses of freedom
Complementary flight

Compliments to the chef
Favorite meal remains unsaid
Unpacking these groceries
With a heavy head
Tabled conversations
Had me going to bed hungry

Unfed appetites
Left me famished
Self sabotage became
A fluent language

Part III
When I grew tired of talking in circles
Speaking only with my eyes
I swallowed my PRIDE
Found myself digesting truth
Licking my lips
Distancing from memories of closed door closets
Finally I could proudly say
I don’t give a fuck!
What you call gay 
I’ve learned to call love
Or by any other name
Call it complicated, call it fluid, call it lust 
But never call it in shame

Baby, it doesn’t matter what’s between your legs
As long as you can stand beside me
There’s too much hate in this world
To keep on hiding
The light outside can be blinding
But it’s never been so clear
So please,
Come here
Where the sun can kiss every piece of you
You used to hide in fear
Love is love
The world is finally starting to wake up
Good morning beautiful
You are more than enough
Exactly how you are
You are a star
A work of art
Painted across the darkness of night
You inspire others 
still finding themselves
Through every broken mirror and every fight
You shine
With every rainbow fiber of your crystalline skin
You never have to feel alone again
Never did
You are one of God’s favored children
Bringing change to a world of sin
So go,
Dance to your favorite song 
I promise
This is where you belong

If they must call us weird, crazy, or freaks
Let it be because we are unafraid to speak 
Let them christen us gay because we are free to be happy.


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