Rare Form

I feel like shit

Not sick

Like a piece of shit



From these lips

Like I just can’t help it

Resident to this foul mouth

I should reside on someone’s couch


So they can shrink me down

Into scrips and tips

Lessons to improve within

The confines of my head

Then I can stop feeding

Into every little stint of seething anger

when I’m heated 


leaving my kettle on the burner

Til I’m overflowing lava

Spouting tea at your face and sternum 

I’m seated

Steaming now

In my self-made hell

Straddled between needing you

And needing some time to myself

I just wanna be healthy

Wanna stop being petty

I just wanna be happy

Instead of finding faults in every nook and cranny

Like I’m so damn perfect

Such a prize to be won

Untouchable by neither the Moon nor Sun

I’m fucking crippled by my own self destruction

I know it’s no excuse

Subconsciously sabotage might just be what I’m used to

Or what I’ve known

Instead of claiming these issues as my own 

Instead of crying and running

Here I am desperately thumbing at my phone

Searching for the words to tell you 

I don’t want this to be over

I don’t want space

I wanna trace the spaces between us

With thoughts of our love

Memories of how your freckles taste

Across the backside of my tongue

Erase any bad blood

Created by selfishness

And shit communication

I wanna learn what YOU need

I wanna stop starting sentences with the word “I”

Not gonna lie,

It’s kinda hard, but I’m trying 

This is more apology than love letter 

A proclamation

I know that I can do better

Or at the very least show some recognition

Of my love for you without inhibitions

Appreciation without conditions

Intentionally indulge in our affections

Without the subtle taste of addiction

You are soul medicine

Sometimes I overdose

Lashing out for more

When you’ve been giving me the most

You’ve got scars… but so do I

It can be hard to see eye to eye

Every now and again

I can go completely blind

To how much you bend

Just to see from my perspective

You say maybe love isn’t enough 

But I refuse to believe that’s all we’ve got 

We live in laughter, and profound thoughts

Pictures can’t even capture

The depths of our bond

Captivated in every step of our connection

We might take different strides

Somehow I always find

Myself dancing in your direction  


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