Tanna Gifted entry (Mercedes)
To all of the mothers who wonder
If they should be more strict or fun or
If they’re raising a kind enough daughter or son
I’m here to tell you,
You’re doing just fine.
Fuck society and what’s wrong or right
For 8-9 months we held them inside
we know them better than anyone else,
That’s why..
you have to give yourself more credit.
Even on those days where you feel like breaking down
When your mind is Full of questions and your heart is full of doubt
You yelled at them out of frustration and now you can’t sleep without
Wanting to cry.
I know mama.
It’s hard
Working all day and coming home to another job
Homework and cooking and bath time
Good god! Does it end?
And after the meltdowns they finally fall asleep, and you almost feel guilty for that sigh of relief
Because you finally get a moment to sit down and breathe.
We all have the same 24 hours my ass
Aka a mom when’s the last time she didn’t come last
Ask a mom the last time someone cooked her a meal
Helped her with laundry or fuck, just asked how she feels.
And let’s not even get into us single moms
Wondering if not having a dad around is our fault
You can’t tell them he hit you and cheated a lot
Cuz in their eyes that’s just their daddy.
They don’t know what you endured just to see them smile
You let them love him cuz you’re more than the pile
Of blood he left splattered all over the tile
That one night when they were asleep.
Mama you’re not weak.
You’re the strongest being this planet has seen.
You are the giver of life
A goddess
A Queen
So remember to be kind to yourself
It’s never too late,
You’re doing more than fine mama
You’re doing great!
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