Mercedes Gifted entry (Cas)
When I look in the mirror I see everything but beautiful
I stare at myself and wonder who this stranger is in front of me.
I no longer recognize myself anymore
Stressed stands of my hair tango in the porcelain sink
Luggage under my eyes from lack of pillow and blanket intimacy
Curves once flaunted, hidden under baggy T-shirt’s
Pale gray skin from lack of sunlight
Bright green eyes are now shattered store windows.
Heart cold and barren, mimicking the shelves during a pandemic.
I allowed others to riot inside of my soul and overthrow my mind.
I am lost and broken but my friends see me and think I’m fine.
They see me smile through painted lips, feel the warmth from my embrace, eyes full of cheer they don’t realize that the girl they love no longer lives here.
She’s out there somewhere, wandering aimlessly, waiting to be found.
Maybe one day I’ll find her but first I have to get my feet to hit the ground.
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