Smokey Tone Gifted entry (Elias)

She don't like me for my heart.
She don't like me for my mind.
She just likes me for mi carne that she uses every time
she wants…
And I can't say nooo
My pants drop...
whenever she say sooooo
I don't like being used, unless it's this chica using me…
amigos say that she should stop abusing me

But I say, baby don't go….
...bbbbaby gimme some mo'...
Yo quiero mas but you say no,
y baby yo comprendo 

Oh oh 

I don't like that you only call me when you need sex
I still need you to call me when you want that next.

We don't spend no holidays, just the late nights.
And I only take you to my bedroom for date nights.

Es possiblé that I am just a piece of meat.
Gave you the whole thing, but you just want a piece of me.

In the future? It's whole enchilada
Instead of a whole lot of nada 
I'm your papi, not your Father.


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