Classic Feature Recap

We had the Vegas streets hype with the buzz of last month's Classic Lineup...
And lemme tell you, these folks did NOT disappoint ❣️😍

After a fabulous warm up with some super talented OM Bowlers, we kicked off the feature sets who kept that fire ablaze for almost and hour and a half of straight VEGAS HEAT! What a way to really dive into the summer solstice, 7-0-2 style! 🔥

Ian Sean kicked us off, accompanied by friends like Amy Divine on vocals, Ellijah on acoustic guitar, and Christian on electric guitar. The well-rounded sound of the live instruments really brought life to Ian's performance of his latest triptych album release "Life Love Death." He kicked off our features with a bang, enticing our audience to their feet to rock with him and his friends!

SmokeyTone soon followed, rousing the crowd with a spoken word intro of his usual eloquence, peppered with comical asides and clever nuances which begged the reaction, "you had to be there!" His short series of pop covers he shared on keys was such an enjoyable, energetic pick-me-up, as he had everyone laughing at his rendition of "When I Was Your Man" by Bruno Mars.

Ms. Brittany Soul stirred the room with her epic monologue of self-love, even venturing off the mic for a bit and really utilizing the acoustics of Warhol's Loft! Oh how she filled that room! Her vibrato was stunning and had everyone hanging onto every last word, reflecting that same powerful energy as they reiterated "I AM BEAUTIFUL!" Her lovely voice segued gracefully into her musical ensemble, closing out the set with her flowetic and soothing vocals.

Theo, Theo, Theo... Theo came out swinging with his foot-tapping beats and smooth lyricism. If anyone came to Classic unsure of who he was, better believe they left humming along to themselves "just vibe with a n**** like, like..." He ventured into that crowd even sitting amongst them as he rocked some favorites. Cool as a cucumber, I expected nothing less than for him to make himself at home amidst the Snaps Fam!

Oh man, I didn't even have to introduce our closer... Saucey MF'ing Downs! If we hadn't already gone 30mins over time, I swear everyone in that room would have let him keep playing every track off Sauce Mode and even some of his older bangers along with them. He had people moving, grooving, glowing up, shining... Everyone was a part of the Saucey show at that point. He even took a knee a couple times, singing to the ladies in the room, getting up close and personal as he wooed them with his super sexy performance of "Crossed Up" followed by "Chiquita." And of course everyone had to jump up and join in for "On My Momma." All I gotta say is there wasn't a dry seat in the house!

Overall, the night was EVERYTHING!
But most of all,

Thanks to everyone who made it out and could be a part of the magic that was Classic!

Make sure you don't miss the next one July 13th inside Warhol's Loft for our Scavenger Hunt event!!


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