Restin' Piece, Poet

To each their own vice
Turning my words to tourniquet
I smack my arm twice
I plug my power cord in
Cause God knows I'm not living
If it's not reflected in my content
Content? (happy)
Contempt.. (disregard of)
Is the new conscious
I never wanted this
I just wanted a voice
So I traded my pen for Swipe
And a talk-to-text that can never seem to get my words right

I schedule my thoughts for at least three times a week
To make sure they see my face and hear me speak
Otherwise they'll probably forget about me by Friday
My traffic counter says my highest views come by Thursday
So I have to make sure to keep them thirsty for my words before the weekend ensues
Because that's how this thing is meant to be used
To format my life in away which appeals to you
It's me, yes
Filtered pleasantries,
Somewhat, yes
Regrettably, yes
But mostly me
Tailored in a way for you to digest
With ease
I'm an artist,
I'm a mom,
I like to help my city,
Amongst the selfies
Cause you know I do everything pretty

Here I am in nature
Here I am at work
Here are some meandering thoughts of inspiration
Oh, I'm starting to lose momentum
Perhaps I should remind them that I twerk?
No, no, no,
I do that for fun,
For me
I don't do that to advertise my sexuality
But when I do, I know everyone wants to see

Praise me for my insight on divine feminine
Tell me I'm brave for that poem about my rape
Tell me how cute you think my son is
Commend me for how open I am about my struggle to raise him
Relate to my words as if they are your own
Plagiarize my authenticity
There is an edge most find appealing
In this way of living unapologetically

Ambitiously connective,
Eloquently subjective
Has me waking up reflective
On days like today
When I just want to say
I am running out of shits to give

Just scratch a little bit to satiate that itch
Pick me out from underneath your fingernails
Cause the 'gram barely claims the outer dermis layers

Truthfully, y'all ain't ready to brave my demented mind
I once thought was a gold mine
Really just a mine field in disguise
It all comes together in Ludwig or Valencia
Just caption some R.H. Sin or Rupi Kaur
And maybe if you're lucky they'll mention ya

Girl, cause this ain't your voice anymore,
It's theirs
This might be your face, but they don't wanna see it
If it's not rocking the latest Kylie Jenner lip kit
Wisdom has been lost
Cheapened for wear and tear
And you're just scared to be how you were when this all started
Simple poet trying to speak out for the lonely and broken hearted


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