
I'm confused about where we left off
Cause on one hand you don't want to feel obligation when we talk
As if I've instated some invisible bars
With my tongue and heart
When I've only ever employed them
To lay you a sturdy foundation
To fill in the blanks of affection and reassurance
Where you never felt recognition or acceptance

I held space where there should have been a black hole
Against my better judgement allowed myself to feel whole
I gave you passage to the deepest parts of me
Which had been long since cut off

The other hand reveals that your love has never stopped
That it hurts you to hear me speak to others when my words are soft
You want to love me
But not committedly
Or at least not in a way which wields responsibility

Though I've never held you to a single expectation
Only ever required honesty and communication
Still I stand here now the object of your accusations and projections
Victim to your own fickle sensations and misconceptions


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