This One's for Keeps (Ode to the Almost Lovers)

Found myself strolling down a sentimental street
With too many complexities plaguing the vibes between you and me
I tried to keep it discreet, but there's nothing quiet about my personality
Far too much chaos and calamity clammoring underneath

And I'm sorry my heart only operates at 250
'Cause where I thought you'd be accepting instead it turn to resenting
and now I'm stuck scratching my head at the mess of the state you left me

And that nice guy facade you kept defending
Well it's clear cellophane now with the cold front you've been sending
Honestly I'm done pretending you meant any of what you said
Instead of acting like the signs were misread
Like I didn't fall for all the bullshit you fed
Like I didn't let your feelings fuck with my head

But go ahead,
Keep preaching that you're retrograded
When really you let your flame burn red
And now you're burnt out and faded with a heart half dead

I always said you'd regret it when I stopped writing about you
Like one day you'll wake up and no longer be my muse
Maybe one day I'll find a guy who doesn't leave me feeling used
When really I'm just embarrassed I was ever a fool for you
That I ever felt brand new to you just to be proven worn and tired once again
I should have predicted how this would end
With two lost hearts
All fire and no spark
We were almost lovers know a fear we're far from friends...


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