I'm Trying To Stay Fucking Positive

Frustrations swell behind my smile
I don't feel like myself today..
No, I'm not Black,
But I am at war
Within my own body
I cannot hide the hurt in my face
The twist in my gut
Every time someone tries to say
Anything to defend these fucking pigs
I really can't even hide it
I've tried to stay positive
But truthfully,
I'm fucking pissed
And right now
I don't even give a fuck about a rhyme scheme
Or the fact that every other line screams obscenity
Because these are the days of riots
And people being murdered in the streets
At the hands of racistass police
You think we are gonna go quietly!?
Back to back in two fucking weeks
You don't even give us a chance to breathe
In between these
Goddamn tragedies

Black people have been dying like this for ages
Only now we all got cell phones
And the cops got cameras that don't do shit
But make us watch our brothers and sisters
Being killed more closely
Listening to the curdle of their screams
From a place where we can do nothing
But cry and get pissed on social media
As they can continue to control the narrarive
Keeping us emotionally reactive
Trying to make us out to be the crazy fucking savages they always knew we were..
Antagonists who preach about how bad it is to loot
Then smash
Out the windows of an AutoZone wearing a mask,
Thinking no one's gonna know who..
We know it's you trigger-happy motherfuckers
Just waiting for another reason to shoot

I only pray that 2020 truly is the year for clarity
Because I don't know how many more horrible things
We can endure before we all fucking snap mentally
I'm trying to stay positive
But I am also trying to stay real as fuck
We need to start talking about our Black brothers and sisters in their triumphs
Instead of spreading stories of their spilled blood
Sharing modern day lynching thru the digital world
We might not be able to prevent the next hashtag
Or the next one after that
But we can encourage each other to not give up hope
Get involved, stay informed, protest, vote
I know it's easier said than done
When our spirits are feeling crumbled and broke
But damnit, this injustice must end with us
And it's gonna take more than a couple of angry Facebook posts


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