White Noise

I am tired of being the bigger person
When all I want is to shrink myself down
So I can begin to grasp things from your disturbed and small perception
Clamorous talk of the town
How you try to make an enemy of me to anyone who will listen
Repetitive noise has a way of drawing people in regardless
Heartless how you contort words and situations
Yet accuse others of these same manipulations
Gaping hole in your chest which cannot be filled with anything but hypocrisy and your own need for validation

In the dirt of your denial,
Burying yourself alive
Burying yourself in lies
And projections of your own reflection in mine

Inflated ego is an epidemic
Which so many find righteous reasons to follow
It's true, trust me
A pill I myself have also had to swallow

Honestly, I feel sorry for you
That you feel so threatened by my living my truth
Moving with the shifts and tilts in this tumultuous time I've grown accustomed to
I know myself, through all my changes and imperfections
Never denied my struggle with my lack of direction
But, hey, I'm so happy you feel confident
Enough to bless me with your judgment
To help me filter out people who were looking for reasons
To question my every movement
Deny me of my vision
Challenging the intentions of my own disposition

You don't think I do the same?
I pick myself apart everyday
And I've never been afraid
Of admitting where I lack and where I have strayed
Only ever striving for change


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