Nice to Meet You, Carysse.

I'm learning to be more myself
And less of what has happened to me

Been trying for a while
It's mostly been denial
Overcompensation for pain
I still can hardly understand

Because when I made them smile,
It made me smile
And it felt good..
Never noticing I had now put my happiness into their hands instead,
Anyone's hands but my own
Looking down at my foreign fingers
I saw clumsy and careless
Instead of home

I wanted to make a home out of someone else's hands..
Just as clumsy and careless as mine, I'm sure, but with bigger plans
To be the uplifting hero I always needed in times I couldn't stand
That self I never gave a chance to truly learn..
Victim of these burns
I turned away from her
Unable to face the horrors of what was left behind
But these scars are mine
And though I will not let them define me
I will take the time to finally open up my eyes and see

I cannot love myself if I haven't taken the time to learn myself first
Lemme say that again,
*I  c a n n o t  love myself if I haven't taken the time to  l e a r n  myself first*
Yes, I've acquired these new emotional blemishes and extra curves
I've also been living in reverse
Reliving in loops
Sharing my pain and heartache as if that will somehow undo them
Tracing every imperfection and every curve with the same knife I first fell victim to
I'm realizing
I've spent the last two years overanalyzing
Continuing to list these traumas
Instead of writing a colon in place of a comma
To allow myself to move the fuck on
Away from the undertone
Of everything being PTSD

Silence still scares me
So I'm rarely alone
Even when I am, I stay plugged into my phone
But I'm no longer trying to outsource for my strength
Even if it means having to stare into the fear written on my own face
Even if it means taking that next step
Without anyone else beside me
Fuck it,
I wanna learn this new me like bae
I wanna take her out, I wanna see how she plays
I wanna fall in love with all her ways
Fall in love with every word she says
I wanna learn her silence and not be too scared to stay
Because she's worth it
And even though she's hurting
I see she is still putting so much work in
To be more than what's happened to her


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