Dance Lessons with Death and Daydreams

Teach me how to care less
Fearlessly feel less
Without the worry of my interest losing interest
I touch myself to make sure I'm still here
Because sometimes I worry about disappearing
And whether I bleed or cum
I am grateful for the feeling

They say to pinch yourself if you think you're dreaming..
What is pain but the brain's sensory processing
The Matrix still hurts,
Pretty sure it could still kill you too
Whether it's real or not doesn't make the damage less true
If you believe in that sort of thing,
Feed into those meanderings..
Even though it's not what we avid thinkers have been taught
The mind can kill itself just by never letting the thinking stop
If thats the case,
I might be short a couple shakes
From blowing off my own top
Summer's around the corner
And it might feel better lost
Let the brain breathe
Inhaled intelligence
Cleansed conscience

Consciousness compromised by that which makes us cautious


  1. You're easily one of my favorite poets! Wow. Just wow.


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