I got time pt 2

I got time
To listen to you whine
About this body of mine

Why does she show it all the time?
Calling something art doesn't make it fine
For shame
Body frame
Disgraces her family name
By never falling into line

Unclothed skin
Unclothes she who lies within
Her know-how
Could never prevent
Anatomy from becoming
A proclamation of sin

What is this shell
But porous flesh
We cannot resist
As the blood begins to swell
That's why we use it to sell
Our goods,
Our time,
Pray tell
The cost of living this kind of hell

Universe created no creature more
Disgusted by their natural form
Openly abhor
The human part of being
Collective consciousnes
Filtered through cracked screens
Attempt to keep our chaos clean
Haunted by the thought
That we are better off unseen


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