Postnatal Workout Wednesday

Once I was feeling comfortable enough to start working out again, I looked up some light cardio and simple calisthenics routines online, and slowly I began to rebuild my muscles and regain my strength. I've always felt that working out and being able to push myself to the next level offered me a therapeutic release. Any stress, worries, or frustrations can be left out on the floor, being expelled through all your hard work and sweat, along with any other negativity you might be holding onto.

I think the hardest thing to keep in mind when it comes to an effective workout routine is setting realistic short- and long-term goals, as well as remaining consistently dedicated. We all know that this will not be an overnight transformation, which is something I constantly have to tell myself. Results are slow going at first, but as long as you maintain that drive and track your progress on a weekly and monthly basis, then you'll see the changes you want.

Don't be afraid to incorporate your baby into your routine! I am really lucky that Arthur is super cooperative and enjoys going out with me while I exercise. At first I started just with light cardio like walking at the park while pushing Arthur in his stroller up and down different inclines. Then, from home, I used a combination of simple arm and leg workouts using just my body weight for resistance. Last, but not least, I always make time for stretching! Whether it's a 15 minute morning yoga sesh, or a chill stretch sequence while watching tv.. Stretching definitely makes a difference in my healing process as well as increasing my endurance.

Listen to your body and remember to stay very patient. If you can only start with three sets of ten reps or less, that is perfectly all right as long as you are feeling that burn and keeping your heart rate going.
Here are a couple of links for some of the workouts I suggest.

(Instead of pull-ups, substitute with with just hanging. This will increase arm strength as well as giving you a nice stretch).

Legs (easy):
(Start without using dumbbells for these 4 simple exercises, then add the weight as you build your strength)

Legs (challenge):
(After you get into your groove, try doing different interval workouts with or without weights for added difficulty)

Other General Postnatal Workouts:
(Includes light core exercises when ready)

Bottom line is have fun! Remember, smiles burn more calories than frowns! (Idk if that's a fact, but I'm sticking with it). 


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