Bloody Broke (Trigger Warning)

Part I
Fear of sickness in the lungs
creates illness of the eyes, 
ears, and tongue.
Widespread pandemic
of lies and exaggerations
infiltrates your mind
with punchy headlines
and propoganda.

Take a gander
at the real sickness
among us.
Protests for peace[M+J]
still have yet to see justice
as the bodies continue piling,
now they're hanging from trees[M+J]
like it's 1943.
Public executions
disguised as suicide.[M+J]
Suicide disguised as years of depression,
discounting expiration
due to this global oppression.

Mass media control
-bell ringers
yelling disproportionate[C+D] death tolls.[A]
Quasimodo to the people
with their twisted facade
indebted public servants
to their elitest gods,
loyal lap dogs[C+D]

"Only a mask can protect you and others,"
"don't forget gloves,"
"sanitize all you see,"
kill every germ,
even the ones that protect us.

You see 
There's always gonna be
some "bad apples"
so you might as well be sure.
Kill everything.
Burn it down and start over.
Let it burn
Let it burn[M+C]

The real sickness starts at ground level.
Starts before birth.
Starts with captialism
-dollar sign determined worth.[A]
It's wild how our wallets seem to wear us.
Wear our faces, wear our names,
wear us down.

Where the money at? [A]
Awaiting mythological [D] legends
like stimulus  checks[M+J],
non-profit organizations
breaking[M] their backs[C], their necks
to help us circumvent
the onslaught of[D] perpetuated poverty[A],

[finding loopholes[D] to dodge[J] collection of debt,
while the rich continue to profit
from the crash [M] of our economy.[A]]

Eliminating the poor class[D] seems to be[M]
the highest of concerns..[J]
If Covid don't kill us first,[A]
slow financial decay will for sure.[M]

It's like they hunger for our blood.[M]
Blood from every already broke neighborhood [C]
suffering daily dose reminders
of our birth-right demons [ALL]
embedded into the millions 
below the line of impoverishment. [J]

Part I/Part II
I look and I see blood. [Pt1: D] [Pt2: J]
I see the blood of the poor,
I hear the bloodline ballads of our day-to-day lives.
We are capable of being so much more.

More than
bloody broken vessels under thick skin, [D+J]
black eyes and bust lips
imprisonment within
violently domestic secrets
disguised as codependent relationships, [D]
predators posing as house pets.[D+J]
Poor girl's too poor to escape her abuser
into the summer heat.
Does she choose to die by dehydration
or to die inside slowly?[J]

We are more than 
the bloody batons batting us away [C+M]
-another thuggish gang,[M]
I mean, a bunch of unarmed civilians
peacefully objecting
our brothers and sisters being slain.[C]

[Even teens and women beaten
for taking a stance for our freedom. [M]]

We are more than
the blood in these streets
shed at the hands of racist police,
trying to bend us into submission,
until we believe we cannot beat them. [M]

We are more than
rewarded frequent visits
to the blood collection clinics,
trading our plasma for that last bit of rent. [C]

We are more than
the choice of where the rest of the cash is spent,
between feminine products or vitamins
since neither are covered
by our governmecnt's assistance. [J]

[I am more than
the plight of bloody panties
from having to use table napkins. [D]]

We are more than [ALL]
the bloody syringe
I found in the garage
by my son's favorite playground spot. [M]

More than [ALL]
the blood in my sink
after I brush my teeth,
due to lack of dental coverage
since my last lay off. [C]

More than [ALL]
faded days
bleeding into sultry nights, [J]

More than [ALL]
The bloodshed
we've already invested into this fight. [D]

America united in sickness,
overdue to bear witness.  [ALL]
Take off the blinders the next time you unmask
and ask yourself [D]
when will we demand that they fix this? [M]
The proverbial "they"
should be [C]
the inevitable "we."[J]

We can be
the cure we have been waiting for. [ALL]


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