
Once upon a time we were tightrope walkers strung up over gravel paths
Held steady and high by our pride and porcelain masks,
[And vindicated efforts of the rebellious vengeance we owed the world]
We were strong, but we were foolish
Never weary of the dark clouds as they crouched, looming in the distance
Because we owned the night, the stars, and all that they surrounded
Fire in our bellies of beasts unbounded

Once perceived as uprooted hopelessly,
Turned instead to nomadic and conquering
With no home to call our own but the blood in our veins
We became residents to our family names
Because this family was, and always will be, "home"
And no matter where we went or what we did, we stood by our own
Heavy crowns and misplaced thrones,
Believing the sound peace of our love and loyalty would never abandon us..
Unaware of God's fury as those storm clouds began to open up

A tumult of past due misfortune accrued through our many debts
Boisterous rule-breaking, vanities, and self-indulgence
Lost treasures in a guarded trove, stolen precious gems
Our pride thinned, and rebellious fires dimmed

Torn apart from selfishness and the agonizing pain
Hidden beneath the porcelain masks of the old faces we once profaned

Our brother was taken from us leader of the lost boys, Peter Pan
And five years returned him to us a damaged man
Accompanied by his shadow
Flame still burning behind two steady eyes
Cursed with the wisdom of broken pride
Rebuilt on the humility of truth and aspirations for a future not yet lost
But learned at an expensive cost

And this blood running through my veins 
Remains unchanged
Diluted by the stormy weather
And yet still is the thread which binds us together
Stitching us back piece by piece
Wrinkles creased, humbled by the day he got released.


  1. 👏 You are talented my love! Can't wait to read more of your poems!


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