Which Apocalypse Are You Rooting For?

I'm something of a movie junkie. I love them! There are so many on my "to-see" list that I just feel I've grown insatiable. One of my favorite genres is the whole major disaster/end of the world bit, mainly because I am an extremely pessimistic person [unfortunately] and I have what I like to call a "final destination" perspective. Whether you wanna call it Murphy's Law or just bad luck, I have given up doubting that the worst possible thing(s) could happen to me. I'm not gonna say I live my life in fear of death, but that my imagination allows me to play with ideas of death happening in pretty much any situation.
Anywho, I just watched Jurassic World [don't ask me why I waited so long to see it in theaters]. It was so awesome! It's amazing to think of what magnificent feats can be achieved through genetic modifications. Magnificent, but terrifying at the same time. I'm sick of humans always trying to play God. I would not be at all surprised [in fact, I'd probably laugh at the irony] if we were the ultimate cause of our own demise in the near future. Whether it's biological warfare experimentation leading to the zombie apocalypse, A.I. development leading to the machine apocalypse, genetic mods/enhancement leading to the dinosaur or ape apocalypse, or just the natural disintegration of the earth's atmosphere and resources that leads to the end of mankind. What do you think? ...and will your thoughts be an asset to your survival when the end is near?
I've always thought an apocalypse, however terrifying, could act as a refreshing new beginning for a lot of people. Sure, we'll lose a lot of people and belongings, and possibly some fundamental morals of kind-heartedness/humanity, but doesn't whatever we survive make us stronger? I don't know, maybe I'm just one of those people who thinks the world could use a reckoning. Yes, my inner sadist is not afraid to surface and say we could trim some fat around here. Haha! For real, though, what do you think? Is this the dusk of our mankind's existence? The earth has cleansed itself countless times of reining species before us... What makes us so special that we could possibly transcend the natural inevitability of our demise? Nothing at all.
With love [?],
Reese Darko


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