Quarantine Meandering

Four walls and a ceiling
Start feeling more like home now
In this skin which has felt foreign to me for months
I tried to hide behind an upturned chin, faded eyes, and a smiling mouth
2020 has not been how I envisioned
Stagnation across the nation
Started locally imprisoned
Right here, between these two ears
Open only to excuses, and projections
Disguised as manifestations
I've learned it's easy
To run away from accountability
When everything you do seems to yield the smallest bit of productivity
Because we stay chasing after checks,
The most exhausting minimum
Too tired to fully invest into our own vision,
Or too scared
To put forth our best effort just to still end up nowhere
Some say success is determined by perspective
It's hard to deny when your Spotify gets less than a thousand listens
Then what was it all for?
Bragging rights, clout?
Like a little league trophy you only pull out
When there's company over and you're feeling nostalgic

Remember when we had to sit around for two months and kick it
While the world suffered from this historical pandemic?

Sometimes, I find myself thanking God for this quarantine
Forcing me to face the shit I've been avoiding
It makes me feel guilty
When I hear of the death toll rising
And I can't even go to the grocery
Without the fear of someone sneezing
Even remotely in my direction
This is not a season for allergies
Without crusade and inquisition
Redefinition of the word essential
Tell me, is this of your essence?
Its absence
To the core of your existence?



These are two words people just can't get enough of
So they use them interchangeably

I need a new photo, I need my nails done, I need lashes, I need a new cell phone, 

I need to determine a higher standard for the things I need

I love you, and you, and you, I love all of my friends, I love pizza, pho, and ramen,

I love the idea of love filling my life so effortlessly that I can feel both validated and satiated in codependency

I need to reevaluate my needs
It's been weeks
And I haven't even written a single respectable thing

I'd love to have a quarantine buddy so I can stop masturbating so frivolously

I'd love to wake up
And not feel the urge to pick my phone up

I'd love to continue spending time with my son
To create, and cuddle, and sleep in til 1
Without lethargy or laziness or the onslaught boredom

I'd love to stop feeling guilt for my humanity
Every morning I take a second to stop and breathe
To decide to utilize this time wisely
Reassess my priorities
To continue bringing Light to the community,

I stare at the wall and remind myself to work on my own immunity,
Both physically and spiritually
That walls don't need to be a division
But a protection from our own empathy

I stare out the window and remind myself to move in grace and synchronicity
With that which has always called to me
It's not about the city, it's about the kingdom of being
It's about conscious movement and progression
Emotional digestion
Awareness of our energy invested in our intended direction


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