You touch me in colors unseen by the naked eye As I lay naked upon your thighs Goosebumps trailed across me like the northern lights You allow each fingertip to trace me Delicately Poetry in Braille The way you read me intimately Memorizing every curve and corner Unlocking every hidden door In puzzles and labyrinths I've let no one else explore Trails of your kisses tiptoe down my neck Where our sweat collects From every ripple which connects Between us in stars and flecks Lucid constellations Rapid inhalations Our bodies expand and contract Upon every subtle contact of flesh I gasp for this crescendo to climax Tasted only between panting breaths Between two folded legs Wrapped around you in prayer Fingers laced into my thighs I inhale and sigh Don't stop, right there I grab tightly to tufts of hair Steering you to where I know you're gonna get that shit Half your face is drenched wet As you lick up every drop like the last supper So stubborn You don't stop til I jump b...