Between Us

Clarity comes
In the rarity of true connection
Soul stripped to the bones
Of why
And how
Who we were
From then and now
Seemingly misdirected,
Now resurrected in
Unexpected synchronicities
Finding I'm
Intertwined in our melodies
Of universal truth
Love without proof
Of personal use
Because we don't do it for the ego
We do it so they know
That love flows
Wherever we go
From our fingertips
And lips
In every syllable
Taste of treble in every phrase
Rock-a-bye with rubble bass,
I see it in your face
With every run your fingers trace
Along her neck
So delicate
With a whisper of our tales
Stories told in slides and scales
Even our silence trails
Off into the distance
Where our song has yet to be finished
Every moment between us
Ended in ellipses...


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