Breaking the Shackles of a Troubled Mind

I decided, after some heavy introspection as of late, that I can attribute a huge part of my success this past year and a half to my ability to finally take a step back and face my most detrimental problems from which I had been running for almost ten years. [At some point you just gotta ask yourself why tf are you tripping on stuff that happened in, like, '07! Come on now..]

Some may not know this, but, as much as Vegas feels like home to me, I've only lived here for four and a half years, and this is, in fact, the fifth state I've lived in. One of the common denominators of all my moves and uprootedness was that I was always running from something... whether it was a bad relationship, pressure from my family to go back to college, or just generally my own past tendencies and reputation. I was so caught up with trying to fit the mold of what everyone was expecting of me that I lost sight of my own personal dreams, and stopped allowing myself to discover new things to love and do to feel fulfilled in my life. It took me several years before I could even acknowledge this unforeseen pattern in myself and begin to take steps towards getting my life together. [It is still a work in progress, believe me].

Now here I am, in my late twenty-somethings, faced with the challenge of discovering myself "too late." Yet I have found that this idea of time limitations is all dependent on one's state of mind. You're only too late if you truly believe that you are no longer capable of achieving your dreams and pursuing your passions in life [which is simply not the case for most people]. One thing I can tell you is that it's okay to be scared... it's okay to be uncertain of what you want... and it's most definitely okay to fail [so long as you remember to try again!]


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