Today's Thursday, Right?

I decided to start blogging about my life as of late. I know it's always hard to start these things off 'cause one must beg the question, "what makes my life so damn important that the rest of the world should know?" I don't know if all bloggers struggle with this at first, but I am more than happy to share my 20-something-year-old happenings with anyone who might share in my thoughts, oppose them with some trolling rebuttal, or scoff at my page altogether. All that matters, is that we all go through some shit, and I will make it my mission to break down that whole FB façade that we're all perfect and happy and smiling and successful. To hell with that! Isn't one of the reasons the internet exists is to be able to exercise your freedom of speech and expression, and to tell some pretween troll to go fuck himself with his mother's dildo? Okay, maybe we won't go that far.

Anyway, today is Thursday I believe, which is now a beacon of nostalgic pictures and proclamations since the whole hashtag phenomena of #throwbackthursday began. I personally love it! Considering Nevada is the fifth state I've lived in, at 25-years-old, you can only imagine the "lost touch"s and "falling out"s I've incurred over the years. It continually blows my mind at how one of my closest best friends could turn into a complete stranger with nothing less than a few months and/or few miles between us. I've always said friendship is limited by the boundaries of convenience and this still holds true today. But this statement has evolved so much as I've found that my lost connections are no longer solely stemmed from disagreements or malicious intents, but just from busy schedules, significant others, babies, careers [ugh my least favorite C word], etc. Thanks to Throwback Thursday and apps like Timehop, I'm able to reminisce about the days I used to think were so rough and horrible that I used to march around with some of the greatest people of my life clamoring with our young adult rebellion. I can now laugh at my naiveté and recklessness to "carpe diem" and "live without regrets," but I can also cherish those people who affected me so greatly and shared in all those "special" moments of growth and mortification... holding my hair back on a night of too much Captain Morgan, photobombing a picture that my thong peaked outta my ultra-lowrise jeans, or pretending to tea bag me as I passed out on my stoop amongst a summer-long binge. Oh regrets... regrets are like those moments you bite your tongue or the inside of your cheek so bad, and you can't help but accidentally bite that same place again and again and again, preventing the healing process to its furthest point [though the mouth is one of the fastest healing parts on the human body]. I regret several things I've done, people I've trusted, but I will never regret the person I've become and all the things I've learned from those regrets. I'd still say I'm pretty naïve to the world, but that's a good thing. It's nice to be knocked down and humbled from time to time, considering I can sometimes let my condescension and all-knowingness get the best of me and foolishly push away people who can mean the most in my life.

Whoa, okay, I don't know how we got into this so deep so fast [I just met you], but consider this my first of many blurbs. Whether it's a rant or food for thought or tips and tricks to survive your transition from immature adult to seemingly mature adult relationships... Just 'cause I'm a quarter of a century old doesn't mean I have to sacrifice all my vices and inner demons to coexist with the other "normal" adults of this generation. I have no doubt that every single person I meet is just as fucked up as I am.

Stay smiling, and stay you!

With love[?],
Reese Darko


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