In times of sadness
Years of salt-stained cheeks
Generations of being told what to say and when to speak
I hope it is then you realize
You are everything you seek
How reflection reveals your best parts blessing the very world which surrounds you
I hope one day you can fully see
Truly bask in your own whimsy
Each precious footstep resounding positivity
Rippling into a quiet legacy
Lingering in the corners of our sons’ sparkly grins
Braided into our daughters’ bold tongues
The fires of our children both learned and loved
Your mother’s tears
Free fall into your riverbeds
Carving through stubborn earth
How we built a life from these heartaches together
Raised up villages to raise generations to come
How we have multi-handedly undone
Short-fallen expectations of what they thought we would become
We are women
Gateways from places unimagined
Unhinged spirits tied into pretty bows
We are as fierce as we are underestimated
Complexities of human nature intuitively embedded into us
I pray, Gift, you never bow out without a fight
I also pray one day you can unclench your fists, release the armor from your breast
Let your mind rest, and your heart soak in the comfort of sun’s radiance
Emanating your own shine
Breezes unwinding in the frolic of your whimsy
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