When life throws you lemons You make lemonade… What happens when life throws you Salt, strawberries, and a hint of shade? Baby, you just go straight ahead and make that shit show cocktail No, for real, I’ve been almost completely sober for about 48 hours Thinking this lack of chemicals would have me thinking clearly But all that’s been revealed is that I’m clearly fucked up regardless It seems I crave chaos more than citrus Finding doubt in most things without a subtle taste of destruction Rule me guilty of DWI Dating Without Intention One slip of your tongue And my heart has fallen under construction Suddenly you’ve slid from DMs into detours Even gps can’t seem to navigate The blocks I create between us I’m staring at these crossroads Wanting to jump into the ocean Hoping to speed evolution Growing gills and galavanting with all these damn fish people want me to find This bowl has gotten smaller and smaller With every octopus whose ink has fueled my pen Tentacles creeping ...