I Love You
It starts in my chest That tight breath Like I’m gasping at a chance to tell you I really love your energy Chemistry Bubbles and boils In sea foam memories Of you and me Lifetimes ago And presently I feel like I’ve loved you forever With eternity left to go Delicately laced Into our hand holds Blanket folds Of smiles and cold toes Intersected legs Crossed knees Buckling with every squeeze Your chest hair is my favorite pillow Your eyes are my favorite seas Your lips a lighthouse Guiding me home With whispers of warmer waters Softer sands Slipping thru our hourglass afternoons Tracing curves Learning freckles Like phases of Moon Swooning currents Making gifts out of presence Spells in every sentence Enchanted tunes I love Everything about you Your voice, your touch The way you move Through thoughts of raindrops and blues, Hazy daze and psychedelic hues I love Your mind, The way you spend your time Behind sound boards And dog-eared pages You are more black kn...