
Showing posts from November, 2020

In Spires (A Reflection of Love)

Every dawn brings hope of enlightenment New lessons upon old faces Thankfully becoming less of who I was and more of who I've always been Present Presence A gift by any other name No longer finding Love enfolded in the creases of old poems Notebooks I never finished before being tantalized by cute covers at discounted prices How Love scribbles upon the hearts of ripped out pages incomplete prose withered at the frays Burning away all but choice phrases of tumultuous days and the wisdom they left behind Love tries to hang on in hackneyed quotations Washed in the glare of sunrise reveries Sometimes I catch myself lingering in the twilight between darkness and daybreak Desperately trying to hold onto last night as she fades with the starlight Sun graces pores with the outpour from every fingertip spire Cascading across all which once took refuge in the moon shade Painting poetry in her gilded pen Love was never meant to be kept Paperless romance of God's creations The only Love we...

Biden 2020 (haiku series)

Even though we've won Work has only just begun Say it with your chest Scream it from mountains Finally our time has come To make real changes Disintegrating The sinews of history Built upon our bones Let them chew their glass facades; faded injustice Lives in stark shadows Illumination Of this ill nation is due Grab your sunglasses Eyes on the pulpit Hands ready the guillotine Ears listen for Truth Become undeafened To crimes against our people Masked as protection We the People are Awake, tired, empowered, and Done with the bullshit