
Showing posts from December, 2019

Rhythm & Poetree

18 December 2019 Switzerland Food : Doeboi Tacos Harvey Listen Mia Moore Bqqmbiggi3 Paul Stoddard Chakra Kahn B Dailey Vos Gvbinetti Okin Vee Dynasty Ian Sean Alchemy of Alexa Charismatic Gabe Castillo Cassidy Dakota Sutton ...and more Performers : 5:00p  Freedom Jam Cassidy/Jorge/Dakota/Paul 5:20p Paul Stoddard Poetry 5:40p Chakra Kahn 6:00p Alchemy of Alexa 6:20p Gabe Castillo 6:40p Charismatic 7:00p Mia Moore 7:20p Niko 7:40p Vee Dynasty 8:00p B Dailey 8:20p Vos 8:40p Gavin 9:00p Boombiggi3 9:20p Harvey Listen 9:40p Ian Sean Vendors : Elias Garbiggio Dakota brownies Paris 420 Shop Gabe $10 dabs


You have a way of warming me with your wordplay, silencing me with your stare.. Tongue titillated intimidations you don't even know are there. Vexed by a vernacular which leaves me wanting more. Lips lingering and longing, whispering of the weary hearts we've worn.


I've grown used to getting blown off.. I guess I have a habit of falling apart in hopes that someone else's wishes could come true. 🌼